

Pandit Nikhil Banerjee
This site is dedicated to the memory and work of Pandit Nikhil Banerjee.
Including -
Biographical information and interviews
A full discography of published recordings
An extensive list of known unpublished recordings - always work in progress, but listing hundreds of unreleased performances.
***UPDATE*** The majority of these recordings are now available for download - see the unpublished recordings page for details.
Details of known concerts and appearances in Europe and North America
Links to other Nikhil Banerjee web sites

The cover of the programme for the concert given by Ali Akbar Khan and Swapan Chowdhury on 27th January 1987, the first anniversary of Nikhil Banerjee's passing. Ali Akbar Khan played Hem Behag (alap jor) and Gauri Manjari (gat) - they can be heard HERE
"...it is said that first your heart sings, then you play. I think if it is not like that, then it is only just combination of notes, isn't it? "
Nikhil Banerjee
Site maintained by Alan Tootill, 2020